Chapter 1:                      Health and Safety

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety

This chapter discusses some of the most important hazards that you find both in residential buildings and on weatherization jobs. The SWS contains many health-and-safety requirements that relate to various cost-effective energy-conservation mea­sures (ECMs). These SWS requirements are referenced in this chapter.

The chapter begins with health, safety, and durability of the building. If health-and-safety problems affect the cost-effective ECMs you select, solve the problems before or during the weatherization work. No weatherization work may be done until a non-operational primary heating unit is repaired or replaced.

Workers are the most important asset of WAP. We discuss their health-and-safety at the end of this chapter.

Customer Health and Safety

House fires, moisture problems, carbon-monoxide poisoning, and lead-paint poisoning are the most common and serious health and safety problems found in homes.

Alert residents to any health and safety hazards that you find. Discuss known or suspected health concerns with occupants; take extra precautions based on occupant sensitivity to environ­mental hazards, such as chemicals and allergens.

     Inspect the home for fire hazards such as improperly installed electrical equipment, flammable materials stored near combustion appliances, or malfunctioning heating appliances. Discuss these hazards with occupants, and remove these hazards if possible, as allowed under Ohio weatherization program guidance.

     Understand and comply with the fire-containment code requirements of the IRC.

     Test combustion appliances for carbon monoxide and related hazards. Also measure carbon monoxide (CO) in the ambient air. Investigate and eliminate CO.

     Find moisture problems, and discuss them with the occu­pant. Solve moisture problems before or during weather­ization work. See Reducing Moisture Problems.

     Obey the EPA Repair, Renovation, and Painting rules when working on homes built before 1978. Prevent dust during all weatherization projects. Explain the lead paint hazard and tell residents what you’re doing to protect them. See Lead-Safe Procedures.

Worker Health and Safety

In the worker-safety section at the end of this chapter, we dis­cuss the most dangerous hazards present during weatherization and how to avoid these hazards. Hazards include: driving, falls, back injuries, cuts, chemical exposure, repetitive stress, and electrical shocks.

1.1   Educate Occupants and Building Operators

SWS Details: 2.0203.4 Occupant Education, 2.0702.3 Building Operations Staff Education

Homes and multifamily buildings are complex systems of build­ing envelopes and mechanical systems that harbor a variety of hazards. Educate occupants, landlords, and building operators about the health and safety hazards and the improvements that you make to mitigate these hazards.

     Explain any health or safety hazard you see with fellow workers, occupants, and building operators, and discuss how to mitigate the hazard.

     Suggest contacting specialists to mitigate particular haz­ards if appropriate.

     Explain equipment operation and maintenance (O&M).

     Provide an O&M procedures manuals and manufacturers’ equipment specifications. Encourage occupants or staff to store important documents in a safe and obvious location.

     Instruct occupants or staff to remove combustible materi­als from near ignition sources.

     Inform occupants and staff about smoke alarms, carbon monoxide (CO) alarms, and combination alarms, and explain their functioning.

     Suggest that occupants or staff remove or isolate indoor air quality hazards such as pesticides, petroleum products, and solvents.

     For complex mechanical systems in multifamily buildings, provide signs to inform occupants and building operators about operations, maintenance, and emergency proce­dures.

1.2   Fire Safety

The building codes focus on preventing the spread of fire within and between buildings. A fire barrier is a wall assembly that has been tested and certified to withstand and contain a fire for a particular time duration.

A fire partition is a fire barrier that prevents the spread of fire between the sections of a building. A firewall is a structural fire barrier between buildings that is designed to remain standing during and after a fire.

Flame spread is a tested value of how fast a material burns com­pared to red oak planks.

A thermal barrier is a sheeting material that protects the materi­als behind it from reaching a temperature of 250°F or breeching during a fire. One-half-inch drywall is the most commonly used thermal barrier and is rated for 15 minutes of protection. Fire partitions in multifamily buildings usually require a wall assem­bly with a 2-hour rating.

An ignition barrier is a material used with foam insulation to prevent the foam from igniting. The code specifies a number of materials that can serve as ignition barriers including drywall, plywood, fibrous insulation, galvanized steel, and intumescent paint.

See also Fire Testing and Rating

1.3   Carbon Monoxide (CO)

SWS Details: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0103.1 Combus­tion Worker Safety, 2.0201.2 Combustion Safety - Make-up Air, 2.0201.3 Vented Combustion Appliance Safety Testing, 2.0201.1 Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) Testing

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. The EPA’s suggested maximum 8-hour CO exposure is 9 ppm as measured in room air. CO at or above 9 ppm is often caused by malfunctioning combustion appliances in the home, although cigarette smoking or auto exhaust are also common CO sources. The EPA’s one-hour CO limit is 35 ppm as measured.



1.3.1   Causes of Carbon Monoxide (CO)

CO is released by unvented gas space heaters, kerosene space heaters, backdrafting vented space heaters, gas ranges, leaky wood stoves, and motor vehicles idling near the home. Central furnaces and boilers that backdraft may also lead to high levels of CO.

CO is usually caused by these conditions.

       A combustion appliance is overfired compared to its rated input.

       Backdrafting combustion gases are smothering the flame.

       An object interferes with the flame (a pan over a gas burner on a range top, for example).

       Too-little combustion air.

       Rapidly moving air interferes with the flame.

       Burner misalignment causes a distorted flame.

       Flue or heat exchanger blockage interferes with the flow of flue gases.

1.4   Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0301.2 Carbon Monoxide Alarm or Monitor

Every home must have at least one smoke alarm. Every home must have a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm.

Combination CO/smoke alarms may be installed. Check the expiration date of any existing smoke and CO alarms and replace expired units.

Don’t install alarms within 5 feet of combustion devices because small amounts of smoke or CO can cause nuisance false alarms. Follow manufacturer instructions for installation height and clearances to floors and ceilings. Leave the alarm manufacturer instructions with the client.

Single-function alarms or combination alarms can interconnect electrically for whole-building protection. If one alarm sounds the other alarms sound too.

Educate occupants about the alarms and what to do if the alarm sounds. Discuss the low-battery chirping sound and how to replace the battery. Tell residents that alarms last less than 10 years and that a different sound will alert them when the alarm fails.

1.4.1   Smoke Alarms

SWS Detail: 2.0301.1 Smoke Alarm

Install smoke alarms labeled UL 217 in buildings where they don’t exist or don’t work, if the building has a space heater, wood stove, or fireplace.

     Install alarm per manufacturer’s instructions.

     Install one smoke alarm in each home on each floor.

     If mounted on a wall, mount the alarm from 4 to 12 inches from the ceiling.

     If mounted on a ceiling, mount the alarm at least 6 inches from the nearest wall.

     If battery powered, prefer long-life lithium batteries.

     If hard wired, connect the alarm to a circuit that is ener­gized at all times.

Don’t install smoke alarms in these situations.

       Within 12 inches of exterior doors and windows.

       With an electrical connection to a switched circuit.

       With a connection to a ground-fault interrupter circuit (GFCI).

1.4.2   CO Alarms

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0301.2 Carbon Monoxide Alarm or Monitor, 2.0201.2 Combustion Safety - Make-up Air

Install at least one CO alarm in all weatherized homes or weath­erized apartments in accordance with ASHRAE 62.2-2016 and NFPA 720. CO alarms must be installed as follows:

       Outside of each separate dwelling unit sleeping area, in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms.

       On every occupiable level of a dwelling unit, including basements, excluding attic and crawl spaces.

CO alarms must comply with these specifications.

     Have a label with a UL 2034 listing.

     If hard wired, connect to a circuit that is energized at all times by plugging in to an electrical receptacle.

     If battery powered, prefer long-life lithium batteries.

     Have a sensor-life alarm.

Don’t install CO alarms in these situations.

       In a room that may get too hot or cold for alarm to function properly.

       Within 5 feet of a vented combustion appliance, a vent, or a chimney.

       Within 5 feet of a storage area for vapor-producing chemi­cals.

       Within 12 inches of exterior doors and windows.

       Within a furnace closet or room.

       With an electrical connection to a switched circuit.

       With a connection to a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).

1.5   Gas Range and Oven Safety

SWS Details: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0201.2 Combus­tion Safety - Make-up Air, 6.6005.2 Kitchen Range, 6.6005.4 Kitchen Range Hood within Dwelling Unit (All Building Types)

Gas ovens can release CO, natural gas, or propane into a kitchen. Test the burners for safe combustion with these steps and do the recommended improvements.

1.      Test for gas leaks in the gas piping in and around the range and oven and seal leaks.

2.      Check oven for stored items. Turn the oven burner and then range burners to high one-by-one. Inspect the flames and test them for CO. For the oven burner test at its outlet. For range burners, hold the test probe 6-8 inches above the flame.

3.      If the CO reading is over 225 ppm clean and tune the burner.



4.      Burner orifices can clog. Clean dirty orifices with a multi-tool designed for cleaning various sizes of ori­fices.

5.      Adjust the burner’s air shutters to stabilize and harden the flame and reduce yellow-tipping, which should also reduce the CO concentration.

6.      If the CO reading remains over 225 ppm as measured, consider further measures. These include: scheduling a service call by a gas specialist; installing a kitchen fan if none currently exists; or installing an additional CO alarm near the kitchen but at least 20 feet away from the range.

Caution: To protect yourself and the occupants, measure CO in the ambient air in the kitchen during these tests. If the ambient CO reading is 35 ppm or more, discontinue the testing.



Client Education about Ranges

Educate clients about the following safety practices in using their gas range.

     Never use a range burner or gas oven as a space heater.

     Open a window, and turn on the kitchen exhaust fan when using the range or oven.

     Never install aluminum foil around a range burner or oven burner because the foil could interfere with the flame.

     Keep range burners and ovens clean to prevent dirt from interfering with combustion.

     Burners should display hard blue flames. Call a service company if you notice yellow flames, white flames, waver­ing flames, or noisy flames.



1.6   Reducing Moisture Problems

SWS Detail: 2.0401.1 Air Sealing Moisture Precautions

Moisture causes billions of dollars worth of property damage, sickness, and high energy bills each year in American homes. Water damages building materials by dissolving glues and mor­tar, corroding metal, and nurturing pests like mold, dust mites, and insects. These pests, in turn, cause respiratory illness.

Water reduces the thermal resistance of insulation and other building materials. High humidity also increases air-condition­ing costs because the air conditioner removes moisture from the air to provide comfort.

The most common sources of moisture are leaky roofs and damp foundations. Other critical moisture sources include dry­ers venting indoors, showers, cooking appliances, and unvented gas appliances like ranges or decorative fireplaces. Clients con­trol many of these moisture sources, so educate them about how to reduce the moisture sources discussed here.

Climate is also a major contributor to moisture problems. The more rain, extreme temperatures, and humid weather a region experiences, the more of its homes are vulnerable to moisture problems.



Reducing moisture sources is the first priority for solving mois­ture problems. The next priority should be air and vapor barri­ers to prevent water vapor from migrating through building cavities. Relatively tight homes need mechanical ventilation to remove accumulating water vapor.

Table 1-1:         Moisture Sources and Their Potential Contributions

Moisture Source

Potential Amount Pints

Ground moisture

0–105 per day

Unvented combustion space heater

0.5–20 per hour

Seasonal evaporation from materials

6–19 per day

Dryers venting indoors

4–6 per load

Dish washing

1–2 per day

Cooking (meals for four persons)

2–4 per day


0.5 per shower

1.6.1   Symptoms of Moisture Problems

SWS Detail: 2.0401.1 Air Sealing Moisture Precautions

Condensation on windows, walls, and other cool surfaces sig­nals high relative humidity and the need to reduce moisture sources.

During very cold weather or summer air conditioning, conden­sation may occur on cold surfaces. Occasional condensation isn’t a major problem. However, if condensation happens fre­quently, take action to reduce moisture sources. Adding insula­tion helps eliminate cold walls, ceilings, and air-conditioning ducts where water vapor condenses.

Moisture problems arise when parts of the building become wet often and remain wet. Moisture in organic or porous building materials reaches a threshold that allows pests like mold, dust mites, and insects to thrive. These pests can cause or trigger asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments because they produce potent biological allergens.

Rot and wood decay indicate advanced moisture damage. Unlike surface mold and mildew, wood decay fungi and insects penetrate, soften, and destroy wood.



Peeling, blistering, or cracking paint may indicate that moisture is moving through a building material or assembly, damaging the paint and the materials underneath.

Corrosion, oxidation, and rust on metal are unmistakable signs of moisture problems. Deformed wooden surfaces may appear as the damp wood swells, and later warps and cracks as it dries.

Efflorescence is a white, powdery deposit left by water that moves through masonry and leaves minerals behind as it evapo­rates from the masonry surface. Masonry materials experience spalling with efflorescence that deteriorates their surfaces.

1.6.2   Solutions for Moisture Problems

SWS Details: 2.0404.1 Stand-Alone Dehumidifiers, 2.0404.2 Crawl Spaces—Preliminary Dehumidification, 2.0404.3 Closed Crawl Spaces—Crawl Space Conditioning, 2.0404.4 Basements—Dehumidification. 3.1488.3 Covers for Sump Pumps, Drains, Pits, and other Intentional Slab Penetrations

Preventing moisture problems is the best way to guarantee a building’s durability and its occupant’s respiratory health. How­ever, the solutions get progressively more expensive if simple solutions don’t solve the problems.

Inexpensive Moisture Solutions

If moisture source reduction isn’t adequate to prevent moisture problems, try these solutions after preventive measures are in place.

     Install a ground moisture barrier. See Crawl Space Moisture and Safety Issues

     Verify that clothes dryers and exhaust fans vent to the out­doors and not into crawl spaces or attics.

     Seal water leaks in the foundation.




     Seal water leaks in the roof.

     Remove unvented space heaters, a major source of mois­ture, from the dwelling.

     Educate clients about ways to reduce moisture that they control.

     Educate customers to avoid excessive watering around the building’s perimeter. Watering lawns and plants close to the building can dampen its foundation. In moist climates, cut shrubbery back away from the foundation, allowing air to circulate near the foundation.

     Insulate air-conditioning ducts to prevent summer con­densation.

More Costly Moisture Solutions

Follow these preventive measures before trying any of the solu­tions in the next section.

     Install or improve air barriers and vapor barriers to pre­vent air leakage and vapor diffusion from transporting moisture into building cavities. See Shell Air-Leakage Fundamentals



     Add insulation to the walls, floor, and ceiling of a building to keep the indoor surfaces warmer and less prone to win­ter condensation. During cold weather, well-insulated homes can tolerate higher humidity without condensation than can poorly insulated homes.

     A sump pump is the most effective remedy when ground water continually seeps into a basement or crawl space and collects there as standing water. Persistent ground-water seepage may only be solved by connecting an interior perimeter drain to the sump. The sump cover must not interfere with drainage and must be accessible and rigid. See "Sump pump" on page 37.

     Ventilate the dwelling with drier outdoor air to dilute the more humid indoor air. Ventilation is only effective when the outdoor air is drier than the inside air, such as in win­ter. In summer, outdoor air may be more or less humid than indoor air depending on climate, time of day, and whether the dwelling is air conditioned. See Ventilation



Dehumidifiers and Air-Conditioners for Drying

As a last resort, remove moisture from indoor air by cooling the air to below its dew point with dehumidifiers in winter and air-conditioners in summer. Using air conditioners and dehumidifi­ers for drying a building is the most expensive solution. Try all the moisture solutions discussed previously before resorting to a dehumidifier.

The dehumidifier should meet these specifications.

     Must be Energy Star or more efficient.

     Must have a fan-off option.

     Must retain automatic settings after power interruption.

     Must be rated for low temperature operation if located in a basement or crawl space.

When you install a dehumidifier, observe these requirements.

     Install the dehumidifier in a location that allows free air­flow around it.

     The dehumidifier should have automatic controls to limit energy and power.

     Make sure that the dehumidifier works and measure the relative humidity in the space before completing the installation.

     Drain the dehumidifier’s collected water to a plumbing drain in a code-approved way.

     Give the homeowner the user guide and warranty infor­mation, and explain how to use the dehumidifier. Show the occupant how to clean or change the filter and how to clean the condensate drain.

1.6.3   Crawl Space Moisture and Safety Issues

SWS Detail: 2.0107.2 Basements and Crawl Spaces—Pre-Work Qualifications, 2.0107.3 Basements and Crawl Spaces—Debris Removal, 2.0403.2 Closed Crawl Spaces—Ground Moisture Barriers, 2.0403.1 Vented Crawl Spaces—Ground Moisture Barrier, 2.0107.4 Negative Pressure Contamination Control

Air, water vapor, liquid water, and pollutants move through soil and into crawl spaces and dirt-floor basements. Even if soil’s surface seems dry and airtight, the soil may allow a lot of water vapor and soil gases to enter a home.

Cover the ground with an airtight moisture barrier to prevent the movement of moisture and soil gases from the ground into the crawl space using these procedures.

     The crawl space must have an access hatch or door that is sized adequately for a worker or a resident to enter and exit.

     Openings through a perimeter wall will not be less than 16 inches by 24 inches or as constrained by existing framing members.

     Remove biodegradable matter, such as wood and card­board, from the crawl space.

     Cover the ground completely with a ground moisture bar­rier such as 6-mil polyethylene where little or no foot traf­fic exists. Install reinforced or cross-linked polyethylene where the barrier will see foot traffic, such as when the crawl space is used for storage.

     The edges of the barrier must run at least 6” up the foun­dation walls and internal supporting structures. Fasten the barrier with wood strips, masonry fasteners, and sealant. Installers may also adhere the barrier with polyurethane adhesive or acoustical sealant to a clean and flat masonry surface.

     Seams must overlap at least 12 inches. Seal the edges and seams with urethane, acoustical sealant, butyl caulking, or construction tape to create an airtight seal between the crawl space and the ground underneath. When seams exist overlap them a minimum of 12” using “reverse” or “ups­lope lapping” technique.

     To avoid trapping of moisture against wood surfaces, ground moisture barriers must not touch wood structural members, such as posts, mud sills, or floor joists.

     Post a sign on the crawl-space accesses to caution those who enter not to damage insulation, ground barrier, or mechanical systems. Also caution entrants not to store hazardous materials in the crawl space.

1.6.4   Ground Moisture Source-Reduction

Observe the following specifications to avoid building deterio­ration from ground moisture. Finish the following tasks before air sealing the floor or installing underfloor insulation, with non-DOE funds or as allowed under DOE guidelines.

     Repair plumbing or sewer leaks.

     Solve all drainage problems, ground-water problems, wood-deterioration, and structural problems.



     Verify that the ground outside the home slopes away from the foundation or that water doesn’t puddle near the foun­dation.

     Install or repair rain gutters as necessary, and verify that downspouts discharge rainwater at least 3 feet away from the home.

     Verify that all combustion vents (chimneys), clothes-dryer vents, and exhaust fan vents are vented to outdoors and not into crawl spaces.

     Suggest a sump pump for crawl spaces or basements with a history of flooding. The sump pump should be located in an area where it collects water from the entire below-grade area and pumps it away from the foundation to daylight.

     Provide crawl-space ventilation which follows the require­ments of the IRC and SWS. See Crawl Space Ventilation

1.7   Pollutants Source Control

Radon and asbestos are also potential hazards to both occupants and workers.

1.7.1   Radon

SWS Details: 2.0501.1 Radon—Air Sealing Considerations, Base­ments, and Crawl spaces, 2.0501.2 Pier and Skirting Founda­tion—Venting, 2.0502.1 Radon Testing and Evaluation

Radon is a dangerous indoor air pollutant that comes from the ground through rocky soil. Studies predict about 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year are caused by radon exposure. Weather­ization workers should be aware of: the radon hazard, radon testing procedures, and radon mitigation strategies.

The EPA believes that any home with a radon concentration above 4 pico-Curies per liter (pC/l) of air should be modified to reduce the radon concentration. There are several common and reliable tests for radon, which are performed by health depart­ments and private consultants throughout the U.S.

Energy conservation work usually has little effect on radon con­centrations. However, ground-moisture barriers and foundation air sealing may reduce radon concentrations in addition to reducing air leakage.

Radon Mitigation

DOE funds can’t pay for fans or other measures specifically designed for radon mitigation. Radon mitigation must use non-DOE funds. Since radon comes through the soil, mitigation strategies include the following.

1.      Installing a plastic ground barrier or earthen floors in basements and crawlspaces, carefully sealing the seams and edges.

2.      Seal penetrations, openings, or cracks in below-grade walls and floors.

3.      Install an airtight sump cover in such a way that water can drain form above and below the sump cover.

4.      Install floor drain plugs, or ensure that floor drain traps have water in them.

5.      Ventilating the crawl space or basement with an exhaust fan to dilute radon.

6.      Depressurizing the ground underneath the basement concrete slab.

1.7.2   Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0102.1 Insulation Worker Safety, 2.0106.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

Asbestos is classified as a “known carcinogen.” Asbestos is found in the following materials: boiler and steam-pipe insulation, duct insulation, floor tile, siding, roofing, some types of vermic­ulite, and some adhesives. Weatherization workers must be trained to recognize materials that may contain asbestos and to avoid disturbing it. Penalties for mishandling asbestos-contain­ing materials can amount to $25,000 per day.

DOE weatherization policy requires weatherization agencies to observe the following safety precautions regarding asbestos.

       Asbestos siding comes in sheets approximately 16 inches by 24 inches. It is very weatherproof but very brittle. Remove asbestos siding only if you can remove the siding without damaging it.

       Assume that asbestos is present in old gray-colored pipe insulation and duct insulation. Don’t disturb asbestos-con­taining pipe or duct insulation; also caution occupants to avoid disturbing asbestos.

       Don’t cut, drill, scrape, sand, sweep, vacuum, or brush ACM.

1.7.3   Vermiculite

       Don’t disturb or remove vermiculite.

       Vermiculite must be tested for asbestos by a Licensed Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist.

       If the test results indicate the presence of asbestos in the vermiculite, no work may occur in the area containing ver­miculite, and a deferral of the job may be necessary.

       At no time should the vermiculite be disturbed unless test­ing determines it does not contain asbestos. Caution should be used when using a blower door. The blower door should not be used to depressurize the home.

Contract with certified asbestos testers and abatement special­ists to mitigate asbestos problems before or during weatheriza­tion, if necessary.

1.7.4   Lead-Safe Procedures

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety

In 2010, The EPA’s Lead-Safe Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) rule became a legal mandate for weatherization work.

Lead dust is dangerous because it damages the neurological sys­tems of people who ingest it. Lead often poisons children in pre-1978 homes because of paint disturbance during building improvement and because children’s hand-to-mouth behavior is common. Lead poisons workers when they inhale lead dust.

Lead paint was commonly used in homes built before 1978. Contractors working on these older homes should either assume the presence of lead paint or perform tests to rule out its presence.



EPA RRP Requirements

The RRP rule requires lead-safe containment procedures when­ever workers disturb painted surfaces of more than 6 square feet of interior surface per room or more than 20 square feet of exte­rior surface per side. Cutting, scraping, drilling, or other dust-creating activities disturb lead in pre-1978 homes. Disturbing paint on windows and doors always requires containment.

The RRP requires certifications, warnings, dust-prevention, dust collection, and housecleaning as summarized here.

     With pre-1978 homes assume that lead-based paint is present.

     Every pre-1978 weatherization or renovation job must be supervised by a certified renovator with 8 hours of EPA-approved training.

     Renovation firms must be registered with the EPA and employ one or more certified renovators.

     Signs and barriers must warn occupants and passersby not to enter the work area.

     Floor-to-ceiling dust-tight barriers must prevent the spread of dust from the work area.

     Plastic sheeting must protect surfaces and fixtures within the work area.

     Workers must clean work surfaces sufficiently to pass an EPA-approved dust-wipe test, conducted by the certified renovator.

     Workers must not track dust from the work area into the dwelling.





Additional Lead-Safe Work Practices

When engaging in the paint-disturbing weatherization activi­ties, follow these lead-safe work practices that were established by weatherization experts.

     Wear a tight-fitting respirator to protect yourself from breathing dust or other pollutants.

     Confine your work within the dwelling to the smallest possible floor area. Seal this area off carefully with floor-to-ceiling barriers made of disposable plastic sheeting, sealed at floor and ceiling with tape.

     Don’t use heat guns or power sanders in LSW work.

     Spray water on the painted surfaces to keep dust out of the air during drilling, cutting, or scraping painted surfaces.



     Erect an effective dust-containment system outdoors to prevent dust contamination to the soil around the dwell­ing.

     Use a dust-containment system with a HEPA vacuum when drilling holes indoors.

     Avoid taking lead dust home on clothing, shoes, or tools. Wear boot covers while in the work area, and remove them to avoid tracking dirt from the work area to other parts of the building. Wear disposable coveralls, or vacuum cloth coveralls with a HEPA vacuum before leaving the work area.

Wash thoroughly before eating, drinking, or quitting for the day.

1.8   Electrical Safety

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0602 Electric Haz­ards

Electrical fires and shocks are common and serious safety prob­lems. Electrical safety is a basic housing need, requiring atten­tion during home weatherization and repair.

Observe the following specifications for electrical safety in weatherizing existing homes.



     Whenever working around wiring, use a non-contact volt­age tester to determine whether circuits are live. Turn cir­cuits off at circuit breakers as appropriate.

     Inspect wiring, fuses, and circuit breakers to verify that wiring isn’t overloaded. Install S-type fuses where appro­priate to prevent circuit overloading. Maximum ampacity for 14-gauge wire is 15 amps and for 12-gauge wire is 20 amps.

     Confirm that all wire splices are enclosed in electrical junction boxes. If you plan to cover a junction box with insulation, attach a flag to mark its location.

     Don’t allow metal insulation shields to contact wiring.

     Verify that the electrical system is grounded to either a ground rod or to a metallic water pipe with an uninter­rupted electrical connection to the ground.

     Install S-type fuses where appropriate to prevent occu­pants from installing oversized fuses.

     Perform a voltage-drop test to evaluate the size and condi­tion of hidden wiring on older homes if appropriate.

     When possible, use a generator to power insulation blow­ers and other large power tools.

1.8.1   Decommissioning Knob-and-Tube Wiring

SWS Detail: 4.1001.2 Knob and Tube Wiring

Decommission knob-and-tube wiring before or during weather­ization if possible. Try to convince your clients or their landlords to replace knob-and-tube wiring with their own funds.



Use a non-contact voltage tester to determine whether the knob-and-tube wiring is live. If you’re unsure about whether the wiring is still live, schedule an inspection by a qualified and experienced electrician.

If the knob-and-tube wiring in an attic is live, ask an electrician and/or an electrical inspector to determine whether the attic wiring can be decommissioned and replaced with non-metallic (NM) sheathed electrical cable. Depending on the situation, the electrician may choose one of these two options.

1.      Terminate the existing attic knob-and-tube wiring, and connect the new NM circuit directly to the main ser­vice box.

2.      Install a flagged junction box in the attic to connect the knob-and-tube riser to new NM cable in the attic.

1.8.2   Constructing Shielding for Knob-and-Tube Wiring

SWS Detail: 2.0601.1 Knob and Tube Wiring, 4.1001.2 Knob and Tube Wiring

You may install attic insulation under and on each side of the knob and tube wiring, but never cover or contact the knob and tube wiring with insulation.



     Construct structural dam to maintain a 3-inch clearance between attic insulation and knob-and-tube wiring. Do not cover the knob-and-tube wiring.

     Install S-type fuses when knob-and-tube wiring is present to prevent occupants from installing oversized fuses.

1.9   Worker Health and Safety

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0104.1 Ventilation Worker Safety, 2.0100.2 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization, 2.0106.1 Material Selection, Labeling, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

The personal health and safety of each employee is vitally important to every weatherization agency. Injuries are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, while long-term exposure to toxic materials contributes to sickness, absen­teeism, and death of workers. Both injury hazards and toxic sub­stances are present during weatherization work.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) establishes workplace safety standards. Weatherization staff and contractors should attend training on OSHA standards and observe these standards on the job. Safety always has priority over other factors affecting weatherization operations.

Some hazards deserve attention because of their statistical dan­ger. Become aware of these most common workplace hazards.

     Vehicle accidents


     Back injuries

     Exposure to hazardous materials

     Electrical hazards

     Repetitive stress injuries

1.9.1   Commitment to Safety

Workers may not remember safe work practices unless safety is periodically reinforced.



     Arrange regular health and safety training.

     Conduct monthly safety meetings at headquarters and weekly safety meetings on the current jobsite.

     Provide well-equipped first-aid kits in the work vehicles and in the warehouse.

     Provide or require personal protective equipment for workers appropriate for their job duties.

     Provide a fire extinguisher in the warehouse and each work vehicle.

     Keep equipment in good condition.

     Observe all state and federal standards relating to worker health and safety.

     Keep lists of emergency-contact phone numbers for both employees and emergency services in the warehouse and in the work vehicles.

     Keep Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) in the warehouse and in the work vehicles.

Safety requires communication and action. To protect yourself from injury and illness, learn to recognize hazards, communi­cate with co-workers and supervisors, and take action to reduce or eliminate hazards.

1.9.2   New Employees

New employees are several times more likely to injure them­selves on the job compared to experienced workers. Before their first day on the job, new employees should learn about safety basics such as proper lifting, safe ladder usage, and safe opera­tion of the power tools they will use on the job.



Be sure to inform new employees about hazardous materials they may encounter on the job. Show new hires the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) required by OSHA for each material.

New employees should be required to use this common safety equipment.

     Proper clothing

     Leather gloves with cuffs


     Safety glasses

     Hearing protectors

Alcohol and drugs are banned from agency headquarters and the job. Staff members should refrain from smoking and are encouraged to stay physically fit.

1.9.3   Driving

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one-third of all occupational fatalities in the United States occur in motor-vehi­cle accidents. Staff members should organize their errands and commuting to the job site so as to minimize vehicle travel.



Vehicles should be regularly inspected and repaired if necessary. Verify that these safety features are present and functioning.

     Brake system

     Steering system



     Rear-view and side-view mirrors

     Directional signals

     Backup lights

     A fire extinguisher

Always wear seat belts. Before traveling to the job, secure tools and materials in the vehicle’s cargo area to prevent shifting.

1.9.4   Lifting and Back Injuries

Back injuries account for one out of every five workplace inju­ries. Most of these injuries are to the lower back and result from improper lifting, crawling in tight spaces, and using heavy tools.

Workers often injure their backs by lifting heavy or awkward loads improperly or without help. Use proper lifting techniques such as lifting with the legs and keeping a straight back when­ever possible. To avoid back injury, get help before trying to lift heavy or awkward loads, and stay in good physical condition.



Workers with limited lifting abilities because of weakness or prior injury should avoid heavy lifting.

These policies help prevent jobsite injuries.

     Redesign work activities: adapt equipment to minimize awkward movements on the job site.

     Perform strength-testing of workers, set lifting limits, and provide training for all workers on the causes and preven­tion of back injuries.

     Encourage breaks to prevent workers from being in strain­ing positions for long time periods.

     Share the most difficult work among all capable crew members.

1.9.5   Respiratory Health

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 4.9901.1 General Information on Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF), 2.0104.1 Ventilation Worker Safety, 2.0106.1 Material Selection, Labeling, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

Wear your respirator when working in a polluted environment. Common construction dust can contain toxins including lead, asbestos, and chemicals released by drilling, cutting, scraping. Liquid foam, caulking, and solvents release toxic organic vapors that require either organic vapor cartridges or a fresh-air supply.

Test your respirators before each use to be sure they have a good fit. Use the following steps.

     Check the straps and face piece to be sure they are soft and free of cracks.

     Strap on the respirator and adjust the straps to be snug but comfortable.

     Close the exhalation valve with a hand.

     Exhale gently and check for leaks around the edges.

     If there are leaks, adjust or repair the respirator.

When applying low pressure 2-component spray polyurethane foam, wear an air purifying mask with an organic vapor car­tridge and a P-100 particulate filter.

Workers with beards, facial scars, and thick temple bars on eye­glasses must use full-face respirators to achieve a good seal. OSHA requires a completed form documenting employees’ fit tests each year.

When spraying low-pressure polyurethane foam, use a respira­tor cartridge designed to filter organic vapors, and ventilate the area where you’re spraying the foam. When spraying high-pres­sure polyurethane foam, use a supplied-air, positive-pressure respirator, and ventilate the area.

Learn how to recognize asbestos insulation that may be installed around older furnaces and boilers.

Control dust in your client’s homes by erecting temporary barri­ers when you are doing work that may release dust. Wear cover­alls and bump caps if needed when entering attics or crawl spaces. Coveralls should be disposable or laundered profession­ally.

1.9.6   Hazardous Materials

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0106 Material Safety, 2.0106.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials, 2.0103.2 Heating and Cooling Worker Safety, 2.0106.1 Material Selection, Labeling, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

Your health and safety can be threatened by hazardous materials used on the job. Workers often fail to protect themselves from hazardous materials because they don’t recognize the hazards and downplay their long term effects. Breathing hazardous materials, absorbing them through the skin, and coming into eye contact with hazardous materials are common ways workers are injured by chemicals.



OSHA regulations require employers to notify and train employees about hazardous materials used on the job. A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for every workplace hazardous material should be readily available to employees. Obtain copies of SDSs from manufacturers or their distributors. OSHA requires that the SDSs be available at headquarters and at the jobsite for worker reference.

Learn how to handle hazardous materials used on the job. Use the personal protective equipment (PPE) that is recommended by the SDS.

1.9.7   Equipment for Personal and Crew Safety

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0100.2 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Workers should have their own personal protective equipment.

       Respirators with dust and organic-vapor cannisters

       Clean cloth coveralls or disposable coveralls


       Safety glasses

       Hearing protection

       Hard hat for head-injury hazards

Crews should equip themselves with the safety equipment listed here.

       Ladder levelers and stabilizers

       Portable lights for work in dark areas

       A water jug

       Insect spray

       Safe, heavy electrical cords with GFCI receptacles

1.9.8   Falls

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0100.2 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Falls off ladders and stairs cause 13% of workplace injuries according to the National Safety Council. Other falls from the ladder heights account for approximately 7% of workplace inju­ries.



Broken ladders and unstable ladders are both major causes of on-the-job falls. Step ladders, for instance, are often used for work that is too far off the ground, forcing workers to stand on the top step or to reach too far.

OSHA regulations include these important guidelines for ladder use.

     Maintain all ladders in good repair, and replace ladders if they have missing or damaged steps, cracked side-rails, or damaged feet.

     Extend extension ladders at least three feet above the area they access.

     Ladders shouldn’t have a pitch steeper than four feet of rise for each foot that the ladder’s feet are away from the build­ing.

     Block or tie ladders firmly in place at the top and bottom if you install the ladder at a steeper angle than suggested above or on windy days.

     Only use non-conductive ladders.

     Maintain ladders free of oil, grease, and other slipping haz­ards. Inspect your shoes for slipping hazard before climb­ing a ladder.

     Don’t over-reach: instead move the ladder.

     Avoid carrying heavy loads up ladders and operating power tools from ladders.

Build scaffolding when working above-ground for sustained time periods. Each scaffold leg should be stabilized so that it supports an equal weight as other legs. Secure planks to the structure and provide handrails on the sides and ends of the walkway.



Workers should inspect their workplaces regularly to notice and remove slipping and tripping hazards. Workers carrying loads should create and maintain debris-free walkways.

1.9.9   Tool Safety

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety, 2.0602.1 Static Elec­tric Shock

The tools used in construction work are dangerous if used improperly. About 90,000 people hurt themselves with hand tools each year. The crew chief should conduct tool safety train­ing as frequently as necessary to insure safe tool use.

These basic safety rules can reduce the hazards of using hand and power tools.

     Use the right tool for the job.

     Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance.

     Inspect tools for damage before using them.

     Operate tools according to the manufacturer’s instruc­tions.

     Use appropriate personal protective equipment.

     Use double insulated power tools and ground-fault-cir­cuit-interrupter (GFCI) outlets or extension cords to pre­vent electric shock.



     Use generators for electrical service on the jobsite and ground them.

     Verify that generator exhaust is directed away from the home, the vehicle, and the crew.

1.9.10   Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive stress injuries are caused by over-working certain parts of your body. Poor body posture, such as reaching above your head when operating a power drill, can encourage these injuries. Here are good work habits to prevent this type of injury.

     Use a comfortable arm and hand posture when operating tools for a long period of time.

     Change the angle and location of your work surface fre­quently.

     Mix your difficult tasks with easier ones.

     Carry smaller loads.

     Take short rest breaks periodically, and stretch any tight muscles during this time.

When you purchase hand and power tools, look for models with ergonomic designs that place less stress on your body.

1.9.11   Safety for Crawl Spaces and Confined Areas

SWS Detail: 2.0701.1 Crawl Spaces—Providing New Access, 2.0701.2 Crawl Space Information Sign

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines a confined space as a space that contains a hazard like confinement, limited access, or restricted airflow because of its small size.

Access to Confined Spaces

Employers must be aware of the hazards of confined spaces and have policies for protecting workers. Consider these require­ments when appropriate.

     The crawl space should have an access hatch or door that is sized adequately for a worker or a resident to enter and exit.

     Workers should identify access and egress points before entering a confined space.

     If a heating and cooling system is located in the crawl space, the crawl space must have an access hatch or door measuring 22 inches by 30 inches or big enough to remove the heating and cooling system, whichever is greater.

Chemicals in Confined Space

Observe these requirements when using chemicals in confined spaces.

     At minimum, workers using any type of chemical in a con­fined space must employ continuous powered ventilation using adequately sized openings to facilitate airflow into and out of the confined space.

     If workers use chemicals in significant quantities, such as spraying of two-part polyurethane foam, the workers should wear respirators that supply fresh air.

     If a confined space contains a hazard like chemical vapors or the potential to collapse or trap a worker, the space is called a permit-required confined space (PRCS). A worker must have a permit to enter the space and workers without permits must not enter. The permitted workers must have special training and equipment to enter the confined space.

1.9.12   Safety for Extreme Weather

SWS Detail: 2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety

Extreme weather is a common cause of job-related sickness and injury. You can avoid sickness and injury by awareness and pre­ventive measures.

Hot Weather Safety

Know the signs of heat ailments and take action if you or a co-worker experiences the beginning of symptoms. Observe these hot weather suggestions for staying cool and preventing heat ail­ments.

     Perform attic work in the morning before the mid-day sun warms the attic.

     Look out for, watch for co-workers displaying signs of heat stress and suggest rest.

     Crew leaders must be well informed on heat stress and allow frequent breaks. Make breaks mandatory if needed.

     Drink plenty of water.

     Ventilate attics with fans.

     Rotate workers in attics to prevent heat exhaustion.

     Use water or ice to cool your skin.

     Rest when you feel fatigued, and rest more frequently in days of extreme heat.

Cold Weather Safety

Workers and supervisors should know the temperature, wind speed, and precipitation forecast. Dress for extreme cold and plan work around storms and other extreme weather events. Observe these cold weather suggestions.

     Dress in layers for comfort and changing temperatures.

     Wear insulated boots or heavy socks.

     Wear insulated gloves.

     Seek warm shelter if you experience numbness or uncom­fortable chilling.

Windy Weather Safety

Be aware of the forecast for windy weather and take precautions before beginning work and before the wind blows. Observe these suggestions.

     Tie ladders off high and anchor them low.

     Avoid carrying sheet goods that could act as a sail allowing the wind to blow you over.

     Store materials and tools where the wind can’t move them.

1.10   SWS Alignment

Field Guide Topic

SWS Detail

1.1: Educate Occupants and Building Operators - Pg. 20

2.0203.4 Occupant Education 2.0702.3 Building Operations Staff Education

1.2: Fire Safety - Pg. 21


1.3: Carbon Monoxide (CO) - Pg. 22

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety 2.0103.1 Combustion Worker Safety,
2.0201.2 Combustion Safety - Make-up Air
2.0201.3 Vented Combustion Appliance Safety Testing,
2.0201.1 Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) Testing

1.3.1: Causes of Carbon Monox­ide (CO) - Pg. 23


1.4: Smoke and Carbon Monox­ide (CO) Alarms - Pg. 24

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0301.2 Carbon Monoxide Alarm or Monitor

1.4.1: Smoke Alarms - Pg. 24

2.0301.1 Smoke Alarm

1.4.2: CO Alarms - Pg. 25

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0301.2 Carbon Monoxide Alarm or Monitor
2.0201.2 Combustion Safety - Make-up Air

1.5: Gas Range and Oven Safety - Pg. 26

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety,
2.0201.2 Combustion Safety - Make-up Air
6.6005.2 Kitchen Range
6.6005.4 Kitchen Range Hood within Dwelling Unit (All Build­ing Types

1.6: Reducing Moisture Problems - Pg. 28

2.0401.1 Air Sealing Moisture Precautions

1.6.1: Symptoms of Moisture Problems - Pg. 30

2.0401.1 Air Sealing Moisture Precautions

1.6.2: Solutions for Moisture Problems - Pg. 31

2.0404.1 Stand-Alone Dehumidifiers,
2.0404.4 Basements—Dehumidification
3.1488.3 Covers for Sump Pumps, Drains, Pits, and other Intentional Slab Penetrations

1.6.3: Crawl Space Moisture and Safety Issues - Pg. 35

2.0111.2 Crawl Spaces—Pre-Work Qualifications,
2.0111.3 Crawl Spaces—Debris Removal,
2.0403.2 Closed Crawl Spaces—Ground Moisture Barriers,
2.0403.1 Vented Crawl Spaces—Ground Moisture Barrier

1.6.4: Ground Moisture Source-Reduction - Pg. 36

2.0401.1 Air Sealing Moisture Precautions

1.7: Pollutants Source Control - Pg. 38


1.7.1: Radon - Pg. 38

2.0501.1 Radon—Air Sealing Considerations, Basements, and Crawl spaces
2.0501.2 Pier and Skirting Foundation—Venting
2.0502.1 Radon Testing and Evaluation

1.7.2: Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) - Pg. 39

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0102.1 Insulation Worker Safety
2.0106.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

1.7.3: Vermiculite - Pg. 40


1.7.4: Lead-Safe Procedures - Pg. 40

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety

1.8: Electrical Safety - Pg. 44

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0602 Electric Hazards

1.8.1: Decommissioning Knob-and-Tube Wiring - Pg. 45

4.1001.2 Knob and Tube Wiring

1.8.2: Constructing Shielding for Knob-and-Tube Wiring - Pg. 46

2.0601.1 Knob and Tube Wiring
4.1001.2 Knob and Tube Wiring

1.9: Worker Health and Safety - Pg. 47

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety,
2.0106.1 Material Selection, Labeling, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)
2.0100.2 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

1.9.1: Commitment to Safety - Pg. 47


1.9.2: New Employees - Pg. 49


1.9.3: Driving - Pg. 50


1.9.4: Lifting and Back Injuries - Pg. 50


1.9.5: Respiratory Health - Pg. 52

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety,
4.9901.1 General Information on Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF),
2.0106.1 Material Selection, Labeling, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

1.9.6: Hazardous Materials - Pg. 53

2.0106.1 Material Selection, Labeling, and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs),
2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0106 Material Safety,
2.0106.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials
2.0103.2 Heating and Cooling Worker Safety

1.9.7: Equipment for Personal and Crew Safety - Pg. 54

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0100.2 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

1.9.8: Falls - Pg. 55

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0100.2 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

1.9.9: Tool Safety - Pg. 57

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety
2.0602.1 Static Electric Shock

1.9.10: Repetitive Stress Injuries - Pg. 58


1.9.11: Safety for Crawl Spaces and Confined Areas - Pg. 58

2.0701.1 Crawl Spaces—Providing New Access,
2.0701.2 Crawl Space Information Sign
2.0107.4 Negative Pressure Con­tamination Control

1.9.12: Safety for Extreme Weather - Pg. 59

2.0100.1 Global Worker Safety