4.2   Insulating Attics and Roofs

Attic and roof insulation are two of the most cost-effective energy conservation measures.

An attic is a space under a roof where a person can walk or crawl. Buildings with flat ceilings are usually insulated above the ceiling and this is attic insulation.

Buildings with sloping ceilings or flat roofs are usually insulated in the roof cavity. Roof cavities aren’t usually accessible for walk­ing or crawling.

A majority of buildings have fibrous insulation in their attics or roof cavities. Fibrous insulation is the most economical insula­tion for attics and roof cavities. Attics and roof cavities need ventilation for drying, cooling, and to prevent ice dams. See “Fibrous Insulation Materials” on page 97.



4.2.1   Preparing for Attic Insulation

SWS Detail: 4.1001.4 Vented Eave or Soffit Baffles, 4.1001.1 Non-Insulation Contact (IC) Recessed Lights

Take these preparatory steps before insulating the attic.

     Repair roof leaks, remove other moisture sources, and repair other attic-related moisture problems before insu­lating attic.

     Remove hazardous materials, contaminated insulation, and debris from the attic, employing hazmat professionals as necessary.

     Vent all kitchen and bath fans outdoors through appropri­ate roof fittings or side wall fittings. See “Fan and Duct Specifications” on page 402.

     Seal the perimeter of the eave area, install baffles or chutes using mechanical fasteners such as staple or screws, and install insulation against the baffle maximize the R-value at the attic’s perimeter. Evaluate attic ventilation. See “Adaptive Ventilation” on page 415.

     Before insulating the attic, seal air leaks and bypasses as described in “Air-Sealing Attics and Roofs” on page 115 

     Verify attic air-tightness as described in “Simple Zone Pres­sure Testing” on page 535.

     Install an attic access hatch if none is present, preferably at a large gable vent on the home’s exterior. An interior attic hatch should be at least 22 inches square if possible. Insu­late the hatch with rigid board foam to the maximum practical R-value. The roof’s height above the hatch may limit the thickness of insulation that you can attach to the back of the hatch door.

     Build an insulation dam around the attic access hatch two inches above the height of the insulation. Build the dam with rigid materials like plywood or oriented-strand board so that the dam supports the weight of a person entering or leaving the attic.

     If head space is very limited at an interior hatch, use fiber­glass batts to dam loose fill insulation.





4.2.2   Safety Preparations for Attic Insulation

SWS Detail: 4.1001.1 Non-Insulation Contact (IC) Recessed Light, 4.1006.3 Whole-House Fan, 4.1005.2 Accessible Floors—Loose Fill Installation, 4.1005.3 Accessible Floors—Batt Insulation Over Existing Insulation, 4.1005.4 Accessible Floors—Loose Fill Over Existing Insulation, 4.1001.2 Knob and Tube Wiring

Before insulating the attic, protect the heat-producing fixtures, such as recessed light fixtures and chimneys, by installing shields. Without shields, the light fixture or chimney might ignite the insulation. Or, the insulation might cause a light fix­ture or chimney to become hot enough to ignite something else.

The shielding enclosure must often serve as the air-seal for the chimney or light fixture.

Protecting Recessed Light Fixtures

There are three different types of recessed light fixtures and light-fan fixtures. (IC = insulation contact)

1.      Non-IC-rated fixtures that must not touch insulation.

2.      Type IC-rated fixtures that may be covered with fibrous insulation.

3.      Type IC-AT, which are reasonably airtight (AT) and safe for contact by fibrous insulation.

Consider these options when preparing recessed light fixtures for attic insulation.

       Remove the recessed light fixture and replace it with a sur­face-mount fixture.

       Replace non-IC-rated fixtures with airtight IC-rated fix­tures (IC-AT). You can cover these IC-AT fixtures with fibrous insulation after sealing the gap between the fixture and the surrounding materials.

       If the existing fixture is rated IC, you can seal the fixture’s enclosure to the ceiling with caulk and cover the fixture with fibrous insulation. Or you can shield the fixture with an enclosure, seal the enclosure to the ceiling with foam, and then cover the enclosure with insulation.

       Shield all existing non-IC-rated fixtures with airtight enclo­sures that provide 3-inch clearance above the level of the retrofitted insulation. Seal the enclosure to the ceiling with foam, and then surround the enclosure with insulation, but don’t insulate over its top.

       In cavities that are sheeted on both sides, either shield non-IC recessed lights or replace them before dense-packing the cavities.

Caution: Spray foam insulation must not cover or surround recessed light fixtures or any other heat-producing devices.

Enclosing the Non-IC Fixture Remains

If an existing older recessed fixture which isn’t labeled IC must remain in place, do these steps.



     Build a Class I fire-resistant enclosure over the non-IC-rated fixture leaving at least 3 inches clearance from insu­lation on all sides and to the lid of the enclosure. The top of this fire-resistant enclosure must have an R-value of 0.5 or less and extend 4 inches above the level of the new insu­lation.

     Notch the shields around wires.

     Seal the enclosure to the ceiling with foam or caulk.

     Don’t cover the top of the enclosure with insulation.

Protecting Chimneys

The requirements for protecting chimneys from contact with insulation vary widely from one building department to another. We know of three common approaches to insulating around chimneys, which are listed here beginning with the most restrictive.

1.      Air-seal around the chimney using non-combustible material like 26 gauge galvanized steel. Seal the steel to the chimney with a high-temperature sealant.

2.      After air sealing gaps, install non-combustible insula­tion shields around masonry chimneys and manufac­tured metal chimneys to keep insulation at least 3 inches away from these chimneys.

3.      A clearance smaller than 3 inches may be allowed if the attic insulation is non-combustible or if the specifica­tions of the vent material allow a clearance less than 3 inches. For example: type B gas vent has a typical mini­mum clearance of 1 inch and all-fuel chimneys have a typical minimum clearance of 2 inches.

4.      If the insulation is non-combustible, such as blown fiberglass or rock wool, no clearance between insula­tion and manufactured or masonry chimneys is neces­sary if this option is permitted by local building officials.



Electrical Junction Boxes

Observe these specifications during attic-insulation prepara­tion.

1.      Install covers on all electrical junction boxes that lack covers.

2.      Use caulk or two-part foam to air seal electrical boxes that penetrate the ceiling (for light fixtures and fans), before blowing fibrous insulation over the boxes.

3.      Flag the electrical boxes so that an electrician can find the boxes for future electrical work.

Knob-and-Tube Wiring

If knob-and-tube wiring is present in the attic, consider decom­missioning knob and tube wiring prior to installing insulation or shielding it. See “Decommissioning Knob-and-Tube Wiring” on page 49 or “Constructing Shielding for Knob-and-Tube Wir­ing” on page 50

Isolating Fibrous Insulation from Occupants

If you install fibrous insulation in open cavities within living spaces, cover the insulation to protect occupants from breathing fibers. A thermal barrier, like drywall, may be necessary to establish or maintain an acceptable fire rating of the assembly. See the SWS for further guidance.

4.2.3   Blowing Attic Insulation

SWS Detail: 4.1005.2 Accessible Floors—Loose Fill Installation, 4.1005.4 Accessible Floors—Loose Fill Over Existing Insulation, 4.1005.8 Loose Fill Over Existing Insulation on Accessible Attic Floors

Install attic insulation to a cost-effective R-value, depending upon existing insulation level and climatic region. Air seal attics before installing attic insulation. Air sealing may require remov­ing existing insulation and debris that obstruct air sealing. See “Removing Insulation for Attic Air Sealing” on page 124.

Blown insulation is usually better than batt insulation because blown insulation forms a seamless blanket. Blown fibrous attic insulation settles: cellulose settles 10% to 20% and fiberglass set­tles 3% to 10%. Blowing attic insulation at the highest achievable density helps minimize both settling and air circulation within the blown insulation.

Observe these specifications when blowing loose-fill attic insu­lation.

     Calculate how many bags of insulation are needed to achieve the R-value specified on the work order from the table on the bag’s label.

     Install insulation depth rulers: one for every 300 square feet.

     Maintain a high density by moving as much insulation as possible through the hose with the available air pressure. The more the insulation is packed together in the blowing hose, the greater is the insulation’s installed density.

     Fill the edges of the attic first, near the eaves or gable end, then fill the center.

     When filling a tight eaves space, push the hose out to the edge of the ceiling. Allow the insulation to fill and pack against the chute or baffle.

     Install insulation to a consistent depth. Level the insula­tion with a stick if necessary.

     Post an insulation certificate, with insulation type and number of bags installed, installed thickness, coverage area, and insulation R-value at the attic entrance. See “Insulation Receipt or Certificate” on page 96.



4.2.4   Closed-Cavity Attic Floors

SWS Detail: 4.1003.4 Cape Cod Side Attic Roof—Dense Pack Installation, 4.1005.6 Enclosed Attic Storage Platform Floor —Dense Pack Installation

The ceiling joists in the attic are often covered by a wood floor for storage. You may have to remove some floor boards or drill the floor sheathing to install dense-packed insulation.



     Check for live knob-and-tube wiring in the cavity.

     Protect recessed light fixtures and other heat-producing devices in the floor cavity.

     Thoroughly seal the floor cavity’s air leaks before blowing insulation.

     Then dense-pack fiberglass or cellulose insulation into the spaces between the ceiling joists.

     Post an insulation certificate, with insulation type and number of bags installed, installed thickness, coverage area, and insulation R-value at the attic entrance. See “Insulation Receipt or Certificate” on page 96.

4.2.5   Insulating Closed Roof Cavities

SWS Detail: 4.1002.1 Above Roof Deck Insulation—Preparation, 4.1002.2 Above Roof Deck Insulation—Installation, 4.1003.3 Unvented Flat Roof with Existing Insulation, 4.1001.5 Dense Pack Preparation, 4.1003.1 Pitched/Vaulted/Cathedralized Ceilings—Loose Fill Over, 4.1003.2 Pitched/Vaulted/Cathedralized Ceilings—Dense Pack Over, 4.1003.5 Unvented Roof Deck—Spray Polyurethane Foam Installation, 4.1001.8 Spray Polyurethane Foam Vented Roof Decks Preparation, 4.1001.7 Vented Roof Deck—Preparation for SPF

Many existing homes have cathedral ceilings or flat roofs that are partially filled with fibrous insulation. These roofs are often unventilated or ineffectively ventilated. The insulation job may include repair of the roof deck and installation of foam insula­tion over the roof deck. The IRC building code requires one of these two approaches to insulate a roof cavity.

1.      Verify or provide a ventilated space of at least one inch between the roof insulation and the roof sheathing by providing soffit and ridge ventilation.

2.      If no roof ventilation, then install foam roof insulation in addition to filling the cavity with insulation. Foam R-value of between R-5 and R-35 depending on climate as specified by the IRC.

Ventilated Closed Roof Cavities

To prepare for roof-cavity insulation, without existing baffles and with a ventilated space above the insulation, use this proce­dure.

     Remove either the roofing and sheathing or the interior ceiling to gain full access to the cavity.

     Remove recessed light fixtures and replace them with sur­face-mounted light fixtures. Carefully patch and air seal the openings.

     Install fiberglass or foam insulation to meet the IECC regional minimum roof-assembly R-value requirements.

     Install openings into the ventilation channel above the insulation totaling 1/150 of the roof area. If the ceiling has a Class I or II vapor retarder, the requirement is reduced to 1/300 of the roof area.

     In cold climates, install a Class I or II vapor retarder at the ceiling. One option is to paint an oil-based primer over the interior drywall or plaster.

     Repair roof leaks or install a new water-tight roof. Replace moisture-damaged sheathing as part of the roof replace­ment.

     Install an air-barrier ceiling (drywall) if the existing ceiling isn’t an adequate air barrier, for example tongue-and-groove paneling.

     Seal other air leaks with great care, especially at the perim­eter and around ridge beams.

See “Adaptive Ventilation” on page 415.

Un-Ventilated Closed Roof Cavities: Decisions

Many homes have cathedral ceilings, vaulted ceilings, or flat roofs that are partially or completely filled with insulation and would require major building surgery to install code-compliant roof ventilation or rooftop foam board during retrofit cavity insulation.

Dense-packing the cavities prevent most convection and moist-air infiltration, which are leading causes of moisture problems in roof cavities.

Insulators have dense-packed many cathedral roof cavities with fiberglass insulation without ventilation or foam rooftop insula­tion. Some experts believe that this method is acceptable. How­ever, this method isn’t a code-compliant one and it usually requires special approval by the building department when and if the department issues a building permit.

Important Note: Dense-packing roof cavities with fiberglass insulation and without ventilation is controversial. The colder the climate, the higher the risk of problems, such as ice dam­ming. However, dense-packing the cavities prevents most con­vection and moist-air infiltration, which are leading causes of moisture problems in roof cavities. Consult a knowledgeable local engineer before deciding to dense-pack a roof cavity with fiberglass. Don’t dense-pack roof cavities with cellulose because of its moisture absorption and its susceptibility to moisture damage.

Closed Roof Cavities: Preparation

To prepare for dense-packing the roof-cavity, consider the fol­lowing steps.

     Reduce or eliminate sources of moisture in the home. See "Solutions for Moisture Problems" on page 35.

     Verify that the ceiling has a Class I or II vapor retarder and air barrier on the interior. If not, install a vapor retarder and air barrier.

     Remove recessed light fixtures and replace them with IC-AT fixtures or surface-mounted fixtures. Carefully patch and air seal the openings if you replace the recessed fix­tures with surface-mounted ones.

     Seal other ceiling air leaks, large and small, with great care.

     When replacing the roof during roof-cavity insulation, install 1-to-8 inches of rigid high-density foam insulation on top of the roof deck. If you replace the roof, dense-pack the existing roof cavity as part of the process.



Blowing Insulation into the Closed Roof Cavity

Always use a fill tube when blowing closed roof cavities. Insert the tube into the cavity to within a foot of the end of the cavity. Access the cavity through the eaves, the roof ridge, the roof deck, or the ceiling. Consider one of these procedures.

       Drill holes in the roof deck after removing shingles or ridge roofing.

       Remove the soffit and blow insulation from the eaves.Drill and blow through a drywall ceiling.

       Carefully remove a tongue-and-groove ceiling plank and blow insulation into cavities through this slot.



4.2.6   Exterior Rooftop Foam Insulation

Only install rooftop foam insulation over dense-packed roof cavities. A ventilation space between existing insulation and the new rooftop insulation reduces the roof assembly’s R-value. Roofers install exterior foam roof insulation when re-roofing low-sloping roofs after filling the cavities with fibrous insula­tion.

     Use high density foam board: 2 pcf for polystyrene or 3 pcf for polyisocyanurate if the roof is flat or low sloping.

     Flash all external penetrations according to the roofing manufacturer’s specifications.

     Use a cool roofing material such as white rubber or white metal to limit the foam’s temperature during intense sum­mer sun and to minimize cooling costs.

     Contact a design professional to make sure the roof will drain properly after foam installation.

     Provide an insulation certificate, with insulation type and number of bags installed, installed thickness, coverage area, and insulation R-value at the attic entrance. See “Insulation Receipt or Certificate” on page 96.

Many foam manufacturers can taper expanded polystyrene foam, providing wedge-shaped pieces to create slope for drain­age. See “Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foam Board” on page 107. See “Polyisocyanurate (PIC) Foam Board” on page 108.

4.2.7   Installing Fiberglass Batts in Attics

SWS Detail: 4.1005.3 Accessible Floors—Batt Insulation Over Existing Insulation

Follow these specifications when installing fiberglass batts in an attic. Fiberglass batts aren’t the best insulation for attics because of all their seams.

     When layering batts, install new layers at right angles to underlying layers if the top of the existing batts are level with or above the ceiling joist or truss bottom chord.

     Install un-faced fiberglass insulation whenever possible.

     If you must install faced batts, install them with the facing toward the heated space. Never install faced insulation over existing insulation.

     Cut batts carefully to ensure a tight fit against the ceiling joists and other framing.

4.2.8   Roof Deck Underside /Cathedralized Attics

SWS Details:3.1004.1 Cathedralized Attic Air Sealing (Insulation Installed at Roof Deck), 4.1003.2 Pitched/Vaulted/Cathedralized Ceilings—Dense Pack Over, 4.1003.5 Unvented Roof Deck—Spray Polyurethane Foam Installation, 4.1001.6 Unvented Roof Deck—Preparation for Spray Polyurethane Foam, 4.1001.7 Vented Roof Deck—Preparation for SPF, 4.1003.7 Ignition and Thermal Barriers—Spray Polyurethane Foam, 4.1003.12 Roof Decks (Underside of Deck—Attic Space Ceilings)—Spray Polyurethane Foam Preparation and Application

A cathedralized attic has insulation attached to the bottom of the roof deck and is also called a hot roof. Choose to insulate the bottom of the roof deck instead of insulating the ceiling when the building owner wants to use the attic or to enclose an attic air handler and leaky ducts within the home’s thermal bound­ary.

Important: Insulating the underside of the roof deck presents a risk of moisture problems in the structural sheathing from roof leaks or condensation. To avoid moisture condensation within the insulation or within the structural sheathing during cold weather, install air-impermeable insulation such as closed-cell SPF or install a perfect air barrier and a vapor retarder to the rafters beneath the insulation. (If the job requires a permit, see the IRC for guidance on its recommendations on rooftop insu­lation, required to prevent condensation and increase the assembly’s thermal resistance.)

Provide the client an insulation certificate, with insulation type and number of bags installed, installed thickness, coverage area, and insulation R-value. See “Insulation Receipt or Certificate” on page 96.

Spray Foam Roof-Deck Insulation

Use these procedures for spraying high-density, closed-cell foam on the underside of the roof deck.

     Remove any vapor retarder in the ceiling insulation at the floor of the attic.

     Create an airtight insulation dam at the eaves to form an air barrier at the roof-wall junction and to prevent spray foam from escaping into the soffit.

     Spray the foam to cover the entire surface of the cavity.

     Comply with fire safety provisions of the IRC as discussed in “Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam” on page 103.

Use only high-density closed-cell spray foam and not low-den­sity open-cell spray foam for application to the bottom of a roof deck.



Fiberglass Roof-Deck Insulation

Insulating the rafter space with an air-permeable insulation requires an air barrier, vapor retarder, and Class I (or A) fire-rated material at the roof cavity’s lower boundary. Consider these two alternatives.

1.      Install the rafter’s depth of fiberglass batts and then a material or combination of materials that constitutes an air barrier, vapor retarder, and Class I fire barrier.

2.      Blow dense-packed fiberglass insulation between the roof deck using a rigid sheeting or flexible insulation restraint.

4.2.9   Vaulted Attics

SWS Detail: 4.1003.1 Pitched/Vaulted/Cathedralized Ceilings—Loose Fill Over

A vaulted attic is framed with a special truss that creates a slop­ing roof and a sloping ceiling. Access to the cavity varies from difficult to impossible.

Install insulation from either the top of the roof deck or through the ceiling. Insulation, installed at the ceiling, must have some stability to prevent gravity from pulling it downhill or wind from piling it, leaving some areas under-insulated. Damp spray fibrous insulation may serve this purpose.

Consider the following options to insulating uninsulated or par­tially insulated vaulted attics.

1.      Insulate the ceiling with fiberglass batts. Install the batts parallel to the framing if the top of existing insulation is below the framing. Install the batts perpendicular to the framing if the top of the existing insulation is above the framing.

2.      Insulate the bottom of the roof deck, as described previ­ously for a cathedralized attic, if you remove the ceiling.

3.      Insulate the ceiling with sprayed foam, damp-spray fibrous insulation, or batts from the roof with the roof sheathing removed.

4.      Fill the cavity to approximately 100% with loosely blown fiberglass from indoors or through the roof. Maintain the existing vents and hope that settling or under-filling provides room for ventilation.

5.      Preserve or install openings into the ventilation space above the insulation totaling 1/150 of the roof area. If the ceiling has a vapor retarder the requirement is 1/300 of the roof area.

Whatever option you choose, provide the client with an insula­tion receipt or certificate, with insulation type and number of bags installed, installed thickness, coverage area, and insulation R-value. See “Insulation Receipt or Certificate” on page 96.

4.2.10   Finished Knee-Wall Attics

SWS Detail: 4.1004.1 Preparation for Dense Packing, 4.1005.1 Accessible Floors—Batt Installation

The finished attics of story-and-a-half or Cape-Cod homes require special care when installing insulation. They often include five separate sections that require different air-sealing and insulating methods. Seal air leaks in all these assemblies before insulating them. If necessary, remove the planking and insulation from the side-attic floor to expose the air leaks.

Use these specifications when insulating finished attics.

     Seal large air leaks between conditioned and non-condi­tioned spaces.

     Inspect the structure to confirm that it has the strength to support the weight of the insulation.

     Insulate access hatches to the approximate R-value of the assembly through which it is located.

     Post an insulation certificate, with insulation type, installed thickness, coverage area, and insulation R-value at the attic entrance. See “Insulation Receipt or Certificate” on page 96.



Attic Floor

There are a number of options for insulating the attic floor of a finished attic with knee walls. By attic floor, we mean the ceiling of the living space below with its ceiling joists and any floor sheeting installed over the joists for a storage platform.

       Install blown fibrous insulation over the ceiling, which should be an air barrier.

       Install blown fibrous insulation over existing insulation.

       Install fiberglass batts over the ceiling, which should be an air barrier.

       Install fiberglass batts over the existing insulation.

Whichever of these options that you choose, do the necessary air sealing to the attic floor before installing insulation. Also observe the preparations and safety precautions discussed in “Preparing for Attic Insulation” on page 131 and “Safety Prepara­tions for Attic Insulation” on page 133.

Exterior Walls of Finished Attic

Insulate these walls as described in “Retrofit Closed-Cavity Wall Insulation” on page 182 or “Open-Cavity Wall Insulation” on page 186.

Collar-Beam Attic

Insulate this type of half-story attic as described in “Blowing Attic Insulation” on page 137.



Sloped Roof

Insulate sloped roof with densepack fiberglass insulation. Install plugs of fiberglass batt, or other vapor permeable material, at the ends of this cavity to contain the blown insulation while allow­ing it to breathe.



4.2.11   Knee-Wall Insulation

SWS Details: 4.1004.1 Preparation for Dense Packing, 4.1004.3 Strapping for Existing Insulation, 4.1004.4 Knee Wall Without Framing, 4.1004.5 Knee Walls and Gable End Walls—Preparation for and Installation of Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)

Insulate knee walls using any of these methods.

       Install un-faced fiberglass batts and cover the insulation with house wrap on the attic side. Prefer R-13 or R-15, 3.5-inch fiberglass batts.

       Install the house wrap or another insulation restrainer first and reinforce it with wood lath. Then blow dense-packed fibrous insulation into the cavity through the house wrap and patch the house wrap with tape. (Cellulose: 3.5 pcf; fiberglass 2.2 pcf)

       Spray the cavities with open-cell or closed-cell polyure­thane foam after gaining access to the cavities and remov­ing surface dirt to ensure good adhesion.

       For knee walls without framing, mechanically fasten rigid insulation to the wall’s surface and seal the seams.

Post an insulation certificate, with insulation type and number of bags installed, installed thickness, coverage area, and insula­tion R-value at the attic entrance. See “Insulation Receipt or Cer­tificate” on page 96.

Preparation for Knee-Wall Insulation

Make whatever repairs and seal air leaks before installing the knee-wall insulation.

     Seal all large air leaks with structural materials.

     Seal all joints, penetrations, and other potential air leaks in the cavities with caulk or foam.

     Before installing caulk or spray foam insulation, clean dust and any other material that might interfere with the spray foam’s adhesion.

Air Sealing and Insulating under the Knee Wall

To seal and insulate under the knee wall, create an airtight and structurally strong seal in the joist spaces under the knee wall. Consider these options.

       Install sealed wood blocking between the floor joists cov­ered with spray foam.

       Insert 2-inch-thick foam sheets and foam their perimeters with one-part or two-part foam.

       Insert a fiberglass batt into the cavity and foam its face with an inch of two-part closed-cell spray foam.

4.2.12   Access Doors in Vertical Walls

SWS Detail: 4.1006.2 Access Doors and Hatches

For kneewall access doors, observe the following.

     Insulate knee-wall access hatches and collar-beam access hatch to the approximate R-value of the assembly that sur­rounds them.

     Weatherstrip the hatch and install a latch or other method to hold the access door closed against the weatherstrip.





4.2.13   Walk-Up Stairways and Doors

SWS Detail: 4.1006.2 Access Doors and Hatches, 3.1002.1 Interior with Sloped Ceiling, 3.1002.3 Stairwell to Attic—Door at Top with Finished Ceiling Above, 3.1002.2 Stairwell to Attic—Door at Bot­tom with No Ceiling Above

Think carefully about how to install a continuous insulation blanket and air barrier around or over the top of an attic stair­way. If you enter the attic by a stairwell and standard vertical door, use these instructions.

     Blow dense-pack fibrous insulation into walls of the stair­well.

     Install a threshold or door sweep, and weatherstrip the door.

     Insulate or replace the door with an insulated door if cost effective.

     Blow dense-packed insulation into the sloping cavity beneath the stair treads and risers.

You can also establish the thermal boundary at the ceiling level, but this requires a horizontal hatch at the top of the stairs.

When planning to insulate stairwells, investigate barriers such as fire blocking that might prevent insulation from filling cavi­ties you want to fill. Also consider what passageways may lead to areas you don’t want to fill such as closets.

4.2.14   Insulating & Sealing Pull-Down Attic Stairways

 SWS Detail: 4.1006.1 Pull-Down Stairs

Pull-down attic stairways are sometimes installed above the access hatch. Building a foam-insulated box or buying a manu­factured stair-and-hatchway cover are good solutions to insulat­ing and sealing this weak point in the ceiling insulation. Install weatherstripping around the insulated box.

Educate the client on the purpose and operation of stair-and-hatchway cover, and ask them to carefully replace it when they access the attic.



4.2.15   Parapet Walls

SWS Detail: 4.1088.4 Parapet Walls—Dense Pack, 4.1088.5 Para­pet Walls—Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)

Parapet walls are a continuation of exterior walls that rise above the roof. Parapet walls are often an air-leakage and thermal bridging problem because the insulation and air barrier aren’t continuous between the exterior wall and roof.

Inspect the parapet area from both indoors and outdoors and decide how to connect the wall insulation and air barrier with the roof insulation and air barrier. Consider these two alterna­tives.

1.      Install an air barrier and dense-pack the wall cavity of the parapet.

2.      Spray foam the parapet to connect the insulation and air barrier of the exterior wall with attic or roof insulation and air barrier.

4.2.16   Skylights

SWS Detail: 4.1088.3 Skylights

Skylights are places where the insulation and air barrier may not be continuous. Inspect the insulation and air barrier of the sky­light shaft. Install insulation and air seals as necessary to make a continuous insulated and air-sealed assembly as shown in the illustration.



4.2.17   Whole-House Fans

SWS Detail: 4.1006.3 Whole-House Fan

Whole-house fans can leak a lot of air if they lack an airtight sea­sonal cover. Whole-house fans can also create significant ther­mal bridging if they aren’t dammed and insulated thoroughly around their perimeter.



     Install weatherstrip around the perimeter of the interior panel to limit air leakage.

     Build a foam panel as thick as practical and install it inside the whole-house fan’s frame from indoors.

     Use clips or other restrainers to hold the panel in place.